Friday, March 21, 2014

A little goes a long way

It's no secret that one of my favourite home blogs is Young House Love, and when they posted their battle with the grout in their foyer and the simple solution they finally landed on, I knew I had to give it a try.

When we moved in, the grout in our foyer was in need of a good scrubbing.  We scrubbed and scrubbed, and for the most part it was a big improvement.  Still, I found it looking  And not completely clean.  So I decided to pick up some Grout Renew from Home Depot and give it a shot.  I started with the upstairs bathroom, just in case I didn't love it.  It's not a quick project, but it's easy.  I did this small bathroom in about 2 hours.  I just used a small paint brush (I trimmed the bristles to be short and stiff which helped).  Then, I just painted it on and wiped up any of the extra that went onto the tiles as I went.

There were a few colour choices and I went with Snow White.  I was hoping for something with slightly more grey, but the closest option was too dark.  In the end I'm so happy with how much cleaner the floor feels with the lighter grout.  Totally worth the $15 bottle of Grout Renew!

Here's the makeover!

In the next few you can see the difference between the painted and unpainted grout.

The finished product!



Nice and clean!

Next up, we tackle the main floor!  I'll keep you posted on that makeover as well.

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