Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Desk Nook

As promised, here are some pictures of the new desk nook, but let's start with the before:

I already showed this one, before we painted (oh, and we took down that chandelier as well...still need to get something new.)  We originally thought that we would build in a desk on the blue wall, since it's also a recessed space.  But after mulling it over, I changed my mind (what else is new!)  Instead, we opted for the bookcases on that wall, and a desk right under the big window.

So for most of the year, this has been the desk.  Our first dining room table, found on the side of the road before we moved in.  Plus a filing cabinet and garbage can to "fill things out".  But we both looked forward to the day we would have a built in piece.  We had a carpenter find a nice piece of plywood and add a front piece to make it look thicker.  Then we stained and varnished it and he came back to install it.

Voila!  Fits like a glove.

I got a set of watercolour paints for Christmas, so this is my first project to experiment with the colours.  More paintings to come!

Still a ways to go before it's feeling finished.  But I'm happy with where we're headed.  Just need some art!  Maybe a redo of that ottoman?  And perhaps a way to conceal those black cords...  Oh, and a big beautiful rug.  And window coverings...  Like I said, still a ways to go :)

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