Sunday, May 5, 2013

New Lamps!

Hey there!  So lot's has happened since my last update - including a move!  Yes, I mean moving houses.  It was a big one too... we moved all the way ... across the ... street.  Alright, so it wasn't that big.  Still, all of our personal belongings were paraded across the street for the neighbourhood to see (fun!)  But it is a bigger place, calling for some more DIY action.  We're loving it so far.

And of course, we just don't leave anything untouched.  I think we've been covered in dust/drywall compound/paint since February from all the hole filling, sanding and painting we've been doing.  Even now, we're in the middle of a weekend long cabinet painting adventure...again.

In the midst of it all, I've also managed to do a bit of thrifting.  I had been on the hunt for a nice big pair of matching lamps for our bedroom.  They had to be big.  And they had to have a good shape.  Oh, and they should work too...

When I laid eyes on these beauties in the Bibles for Missions store in Guelph (worth the drive to Guelph!) I knew it was meant to be.  And by that I mean I practically threw myself over them to fend off the others who might be interested.  Actually, who am I kidding?  After the moment of thrill I started to second guess myself.  Should I hold out for something better?  Was $12/lamp too much?  I would have to buy new shades as well, which can be pricey.  So I wandered over to Target (also worth the drive to Guelph!) to talk myself into/out of it.  But when the perfectly sized lamp shades were on sale at Target, I snapped.  I bought them, hurried back to my car and prayed the whole way that no one else had seen the lamps and snatched them up.  But as I said - it was meant to be.  In total, they ended up being $30 each.  But that's a steal because even at Target the lamps were $50 + you still had to buy the $15 shade on top of that!  Here's the makeover!

We have a headboard for that bed, it's just not up yet!  Soon...

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