Thursday, October 18, 2012

a little update...

Hellooooo everyone!

I thought I'd take a few minutes to post a bit of a house-and-DIY-update, if that's okay with you!  We've been pretty busy around here lately, with little tweaks and changes.  Bryce and I joke every Friday because he comes home and everything's been moved around.  What?  I can't help it!  That's what happens when I get left alone for awhile.  I start thinking up new projects.  So here's the result of some of that:

 First up, these lovely chairs from my Grandma.  I loved the wood and the shape, and I thought they would be simple enough for a first real reupholster job.  (In hindsight, still not that easy...but that's how I usually roll.  You know, underestimating the effort.  But the risk is part of the thrill of DIY!)

This was the previous layer underneath.  My Grandma had already covered them a couple times - which was good because her experience was critical to our success!

Seriously, she's awesome.  She even sewed the seat cover for me!

Also an important mention is my Grandpa's pristine wood glue job on a piece that broke off.  Can't even tell.

Lot's of pulling and stapling!  And then finishing with a double welted cord glued around the top (over the staples).

Also, I made that pillow!  And a matching one for the other chair.  (You can see the first chevron ones with a tutorial here).  Also in my pillow making spree, my friend Autumn and I made these for the bed:

Before - the white pillows were okay, but not long enough.  You can see that the back ones are pushed to the middle, and the second row pushed to the outside to give the illusion that they do.  But sadly, that Greek pillow in the middle is falling through the crack... (don't mind the fabric samples :)

After!  Much better proportions.  And I love the contrasting patterns.  It looks even better in person!  Next step is to get a headboard to fill the wall a bit.  And to add some more art - that poor canvas is a little lost on the big wall.  Also, some matching lamps for the side tables (with a lime green glass base or something bright to bring out the green in the pillows.)  But we're getting there!

A collage wall with pics above the long china cabinet: (although I have that light fixture on Kijiji because it's totally in the way!  It's nice though, if anyone's interested...)

And finally, I saw this sweatshirt idea on Pinterest and I had a blank navy sweatshirt so I figured why not?  It's probably one of my favourite items now...

I've got lots of other projects in motion - such as painting something on this huge blank canvas... perhaps tomorrow?

Anyway, hope you've taken some time to hear leaves crunching under your feet and sip some hot apple cider!


  1. Wow Heidi, you got some talent girl! I love the pillows and pattern combo and that chair is super sweet! Nice work!!! Marci K :)
