Sunday, June 13, 2010

garage sale-ing.

Yesterday began bright and early with one of my favourite things - deals. The little village of Elmira was having a community garage sale day, so of course I had to be there. And I'm so glad I was! Here's a look at the goods...

Shell Necklace - 50 cents.

5 pretty hair pins - 50 cents.

Awesome leather satchel - $5? $2? Nope, just 25 cents. You heard me.

Awesome 70s overnight bag - 50 cents. But by this point I was out of quarters, so I gave him $1.

After the garage sales, we headed to the St. Jacob's Farmer's Market and had Mahajeb, Hummus, and Tabouleh (Moroccan) for lunch, yummm. If I had a camera, I'd have pictures of that as well. Someday.

To end the morning right, I had to stop and pick up some flowers from a Mennonite stand on the side of the road. Nothing like the smell of freshly picked peonies to wake me up in the morning. Just 25 cents each.

I wish Community Garage sales happened every Saturday.

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